Flying over ... snowdrops

Salvador Dali has a famous painting called "A Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate, a Second Before Awakening." Che go on it just not! And tigers, and an elephant on mosquito legs, and actually a juicy burgundy pomegranate, and that same bee ... Yes, glory to the master, who was able to express his thoughts, feelings, dreams in a strange way in painting.

Fortunately, contemporaries live among us, able to convey all this not only on paper, but also in gold, silver, platinum. Otherwise, how to explain the appearance of a variety of fine jewelers in spring-summer collections of elegant and delicate jewelry with images of bees, butterflies, flowers ... Mostly, of course, snowdrops and other primroses, which are the very first to wake up after a long and frosty winter.

And here are the bees! And a variety of other insects - moths, butterflies, dragonflies. They swing on gold and silver chains and drink diamond dew, sitting on designer pendants, earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

The blossoming first flowers, young leaves and exotic plants give designers an inexhaustible source of inspiration from which expressive jewelry with large and bright multi-colored precious stones framed by a scattering of diamonds or the first “snowdrops” appear, which, if they are attached to a chain at the core of the flower , suddenly turn into an openwork egg-shaped pendant. Such are the transformer jewelry. By the way, there are a lot of them now.

Experts also believe that the most popular forms of jewelry continue to be hearts, flowers, stars and sea shells, and that yellow, pink and white gold, as well as their combinations, remain at the peak of fashion, and that large semiprecious stones of unusual cuts will remain in favorites for a very long time.

In addition, many well-known jewelry houses appeal to the animal world, and graceful snow leopards, leopards and cougars with emerald eyes and "skins" made of black and white diamonds absolutely legally "live" in their collections. And there are those who remain true to themselves and continue to give us classic rings for engagement and weddings, for anniversary celebrations and the “birth” of children. Or those to whom a good sense of humor does not interfere with work, and therefore jewelry comes in the form of door keys, crosses or funny skulls in flying helmets or curlers. What only people can’t think of!

Or maybe they all dreamed of it? In the same dream, when the annoying golden bee flew over a diamond snowdrop, barely breaking through from the crystal snow ... A second before spring!

Watch the video: Spring 2018, bees and bumblebees flying over crocuses and snowdrops. (May 2024).