The three rushes, the three jumps ...

Three fast-moving snow-white horses harnessed to a sled has been the main symbol of Russia for centuries. This symbol is displayed in the interior design and decor elements of one of the most popular Russian restaurants in Dubai with the same name - "Three". This restaurant is located in the Ascot Hotel, which is located in the center of the old Dubai district, well-known for its local flavor.

When Troika first opened its doors in early 2001, as always there were many skeptics who predicted that it would soon be closed. However, "Troika" passed the exam "excellent", and today this restaurant of national Russian cuisine is very popular with both citizens and tourists. There is always an atmosphere of home comfort and real Russian hospitality. You can come here with your friends, family and friends for family celebrations or major anniversaries, corporate parties or romantic dinners. Our current interlocutor - Elina Besolova, manager of the Troika restaurant, decided to share some secrets of the popularity of Russian feasts among residents and guests of Dubai.

Elina, please tell us what makes Troika so special from other Russian restaurants in Dubai?

Our restaurant has a very cozy, friendly and warm atmosphere, not inherent in many others, and not only Russian restaurants. If you visited Troika once, you will want to come back here again and again. Our chefs can please gourmets with unusual dishes of Russian cuisine, for example, such as “Chicken in a merchant’s pot” (chicken fillet with potatoes, stewed with mushrooms in sour cream sauce), “Russian souvenir in a pot” (salmon in mushroom sauce on buckwheat under cheese), "Royal Pork", the language of "Nizhny Novgorod" and many other delicacies.

But the atmosphere of the restaurant is not only delicious food and friendly staff. What else draws people to the "Three"?

You're right. In order to have a good time in a restaurant, a Russian person needs music, needs a show. That is why every evening (from 23.30 to 01.40), a professional dance group consisting of dancers from Russia and Ukraine performs at Troika. Their incendiary show programs, colorful costumes and incredible craftsmanship amaze even those who have visited us repeatedly. By the way, I want to note that the dance program changes 2-3 times a month, and nightly sessions are supplemented by new dances. This also applies to dance costumes, which we specially sew to order from local tailors, our compatriots.

The soloists of the musical group will be happy to sing their favorite songs, thereby complementing the atmosphere of celebration and ease. The restaurant’s interior also plays an important role: the walls of the Troika are decorated with picturesque drawings based on traditional Russian festivities in the winter: sleigh rides, snowball games, snowman sculptures.

What holiday program did you prepare for your guests on New Year's Eve?

Our international team of 12 chefs who came to Dubai from Ukraine, from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, invites everyone to a unique culinary journey. Every Tuesday and Thursday we serve a sumptuous buffet with Russian salads, appetizers, hot dishes and a variety of desserts. The cost of the buffet on Tuesdays is 245 dirhams per person and includes an unlimited number of selected alcoholic beverages. Buffet on Thursdays - 165 dirhams per person. Every Saturday, as part of the Ladies Night theme nights, all ladies are offered one drink of their choice for free.

For the celebration of Catholic Christmas, December 25, for all guests of the restaurant we are preparing a chic festive buffet, costing 230 dirhams per person. On New Year's Eve, Troika will host a gorgeous festive party: Santa Claus and Snegurochka will welcome guests, a variety of contests and rallies will take place throughout the evening, and a rich buffet with traditional New Year meals will be served. As a gift from the restaurant, all guests will be offered either a bottle of champagne or a bottle of spirits for four. New Year's celebration will begin with the old wires at 21.00 and will last until 04.00. So, we are waiting for everyone to have a fun and unforgettable New Year celebration with us. In the restaurant "Troika".

Thank you, Elina. We wish you and all your colleagues a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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