UAE citizen received 15 years in prison for espionage

The Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeals sentenced a woman to imprisonment for contact with Iranian agents.

On Tuesday, the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal issued a number of rather severe judgments in cases related to state security, sentencing the defendants for a term of three to fifteen years. The court also decided to impose fines from 50 thousand to 1 million dirhams under the articles: propaganda of terrorism, espionage in favor of other countries and joining the ranks of terrorist organizations.

So, the court sentenced a 28-year-old UAE citizen to 15 years for spying for Iran.

The soldier was found guilty of transmitting classified military information to Iranian agents working at the Iranian Embassy in Abu Dhabi. The court ordered the confiscation of all documents and means of communication, ordered the convict to pay all legal costs.

The court also sentenced a Sudanese citizen of 46 years to 10 years in prison for aiding and abetting military personnel using contacts with Iranian agents. After serving the sentence, the woman will be deported from the UAE.

In another case, the court decided to imprison a 45-year-old UAE citizen for 10 years and fined him 1 million dirhams for propaganda of a terrorist ideology. After serving the prison term, the convicted person will be under the control of law enforcement agencies for some time. All the equipment and communications were confiscated from the defendant. The convict was also found guilty of publishing articles and disseminating false information about Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which could harm the UAE's relations with these countries.

The court sentenced four Jordanian citizens to 10 years in prison and a fine of one million dirhams after they created social media pages to promote the ideology of terrorist organizations, publishing articles there, posting information, photos, videos and electronic documents that jeopardize interests UAE

According to court documents, the materials contained false information about the UAE's foreign policy, which did not correspond to the real state of affairs.

The court also sentenced a 35-year-old citizen of the UAE to 10 years in prison and a fine of 100 thousand dirhams in an espionage case in favor of Iran. A convicted person who transmitted security information to agents of the Iranian embassy in Abu Dhabi will also be on probation for three years after serving the prison term.

The court sentenced a 45-year-old Bahrain citizen to three years in prison and a fine of 50,000 dirhams for conspiring with other defendants to create pages on social networks and spread misinformation through them. The court also found him guilty of deliberately insulting UAE leaders by spreading slander in social networks.

In another case, the court ruled to imprison a citizen of the Emirates for seven years for espionage in favor of Iran. The court pleaded guilty to the transfer of information about the oil and gas fields in Abu Dhabi by Iranian agents.

In the latter case, the court sentenced two Syrian citizens to seven years in prison, followed by deportation for joining terrorist organizations. In the same case, the court ruled for the third suspect, a 17-year-old Syrian, sentencing him to 18 months in prison.

Watch the video: Detained UAE 'spy' kills himself in prison (July 2024).