UAE and Tajikistan to establish labor exchange

The United Arab Emirates and Tajikistan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of labor.

The United Arab Emirates and Tajikistan on Monday, April 16, signed a memorandum of understanding to facilitate cooperation in the field of labor and human resources.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by Minister of Human Resources and Emiratization Nasser Bin Thani Al-Khameli and Minister of Labor, Migration and Employment of Tajikistan Tagoyzoda Sumangul Said in the presence of several officials of both countries.

Al-Khameli said that the signing of a memorandum of understanding is a recognition of the two countries' desire to strengthen relations by developing and expanding them in the labor sector. The memorandum aims to increase transparency and balance between labor from Tajikistan and the employers in the UAE, while protecting the rights of both parties in accordance with the law.

He also noted the importance of a cooperation agreement between the two countries in order to strengthen monitoring systems in private recruitment agencies in order to ensure a fair and transparent practice of hiring Tajik citizens in the UAE.

The Minister of Tajikistan was also pleased with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, which will strengthen ties between the two friendly countries. She emphasized that the UAE is an attractive place to work for Tajik citizens thanks to laws, programs and initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization, which works to protect labor rights.

Watch the video: Foreign relations of Taiwan (July 2024).